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Nadia Elnagdy is a public servant, a working mom, and a first generation Egyptian-American. Since graduating from law school in 2010, Nadia has worked as an Assistant Hennepin County Attorney. There, she spent over a decade prosecuting violent offenses with a specialty in crimes against children, before leaving the courtroom in 2020 to step into the role of Director for the County Attorney’s Expungement Program. As Director, Nadia has worked diligently to eliminate the barriers that stop eligible members of our community from seeking to have their records cleared. By focusing on equity, Nadia has transformed the expungement process in Hennepin County and has become a leading subject matter expert in the state. Growing up the child of immigrants gave her invaluable perspective and a deeply embedded tendency toward balance. She is running in 2024 to center the voices, perspectives, and concerns of residents who have been have been underrepresented in our community.


Good afternoon friends, neighbors and community members,

St. Anthony has a special election on
Tuesday, August 13 to fill a 16-month term on the City Council. When I was elected mayor, there were two years remaining on my city council term. Andrea Stephens was appointed to an 8-month term until a special election could be held per state statute.

I am endorsing Nadia Elnagdy for St. Anthony City Council in the election on Tuesday, Aug. 13. I believe Nadia’s public service leadership, strategic thinking, and open-minded demeanor will strengthen our city council.

I believe Nadia’s
critical thinking and evidence-based approach will assist our city council as we continue to provide high quality services today while focusing on the future needs of our city. Nadia is a highly respected assistant county attorney who invested over a decade of her career as a prosecuting attorney for Hennepin County. Nadia worked alongside law enforcement departments to determine when individuals should be charged with a crime and prepared cases to go to trial. As our city council continues to evaluate a potential police partnership with Falcon Heights, Nadia’s experience as an attorney and understanding of the complexities of law enforcement will help ensure a thorough examination of the benefits and risks.

I am inspired by
Nadia’s commitment to building a safe, inclusive and welcoming community which shows in her words and actions. I have observed Nadia’s advocacy for all children and parents in our community and she graciously volunteers in our schools and as a coach with Sports Boosters. I believe our community would benefit from Nadia’s valuable skills of bringing people together in our diverse community. I have listened to Nadia share her gratitude for raising her children in our community where older and younger generations can learn from and support each other. She’s practiced at considering the interests of all stakeholders and responding with constructive solutions. Nadia will be able to leverage her current and previous service activities into her role as a city council member.

I believe Nadia’s
deep care and curiosity will support our city council’s policy-making process. I have observed Nadia’s genuine curiosity when she listens to community members about critical issues. She asks questions to learn more and ensures she understands their perspective. As council members, we have an obligation to question and sometimes disagree on policy, while demonstrating respect for one another and, once a vote is taken, support the majority vote. I believe working together and sharing multiple perspectives, in an environment focused on respect and inclusion, ensures our council makes the best decisions for our community of St. Anthony.

I encourage you to learn more about Nadia at and vote for Nadia on Tuesday, August 13. Thank you for caring deeply about our community and, even more, for each other.

With gratitude,




Hello Friends, Neighbors and fellow Villagers,

I am reaching out to let you know I am endorsing Nadia Elnagdy for city council in the upcoming special election on August 13.

I’m endorsing Nadia because I believe our new council member should be future-focused and ready to work respectfully with all council members to set goals and create policy that moves all of Saint Anthony forward. I believe electing Nadia to city council will help us build on recent achievements.

I ran for city council to improve communication, increase representation, and prioritize community resilience. I am happy to report we have made good progress on all 3 fronts:​


  • Our new open house before council meetings gives people a chance to talk to council members without the pressure and restrictions of our public meeting.


  • Village Notes has a new look and relevant content, and new city blogs share weekly updates.


  • We used an open position to hire a sustainability coordinator. We started a Partners in Energy collaboration to work on an Energy Action Plan. We are pursuing state and federal grants that will pay for 90% of our first city-rooftop solar array.


  • We appointed Andrea Stephens to temporarily fill the vacant council seat. Andrea’s decades of leadership in the community and unique perspective have helped us be better council members. I am truly grateful for the opportunity to work alongside her.


We’ve made this progress in a short time because this new council respects that while we each may have different perspectives, we are able to talk through our different views respectfully and with genuine commitment to work together to find the best way forward for Saint Anthony.

Nadia Elnagdy will further expand our city council’s skills and experience in valuable ways. In her work as assistant Hennepin County Attorney, she has collaborated with police departments throughout the county. Nadia’s career has given her working knowledge of the risks involved in policing. Our city council needs this experience to help us evaluate all aspects of a potential police partnership with Falcon Heights, and to thoughtfully and prudently consider future decisions regarding public safety and policing in the Village. I strongly believe Nadia’s skills and professional experience uniquely qualify her for city council.


In summary, I am endorsing Nadia Elnagdy for City Council because her experience as an attorney and her collaborative approach will expand and strengthen council perspective. I believe the way she has immersed herself in volunteering within our community is telling of the passion and commitment she will bring to the city council.

I encourage you to learn about Nadia from her website, watch the candidate forum, and vote Nadia Elnagdy for City Council on or before August 13.

Thank you for your support,





Prepared and paid for by the Committee to Elect Nadia Elnagdy

3405 Harding Street NE, St. Anthony Village, MN 55418

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